
The University of Cincinnati Biosafety Office is responsible for performing risk assessments to identify hazards and to guide researchers in implementing safety practices and procedures to minimize or eliminate risks associated with research involving biohazardous or potentially biohazardous materials.

Online Training

Viral Vectors

Target Audience: Open to the public and UC researchers who plan to work with viral vectors

Research Office: Biosafety

This training is required for individuals assigned to projects involving viral vectors.  Before an IBC protocol can be approved, PIs and authorized personnel must complete all applicable training modules.

Individuals outside UC must login through the "External Login" link and create a new UC account.

Online Training

Biosafety Cabinets Training

Target Audience: UC researchers who use biosafety cabinets as part of their research experiments

Research Office: Biosafety

This online training includes information on the purpose and proper use of biological safety cabinets.

Approximately 15 minutes.

Online Training

OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)

Target Audience: Anyone working on projects involving human-derived material

Research Office: Biosafety

This online training, provided by the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Office, is intended for all individuals assigned to projects involving the use of human-derived materials (e.g. established and primary cells, blood, plasma, serum, tissues).  It is required both at the time of initial work assignment and at least every 12 months thereafter.

Online Training

Shipping of Biohazardous Materials

Target Audience: UC researchers who plan to ship biohazard materials

Research Office: Biosafety

This online training provides information on the shipment of biohazard materials and helps the user identify if the materials within the package are regulated and what steps are required to comply. There are four training modules, each with a short quiz. Training certificates for this course are valid for 2 years.

Online Training

Biosafety 101

Target Audience: Any researcher

Research Office: Biosafety

This training provides an introduction to biological safety issues including definitions, risk assessment, principles, safe laboratory practices and disinfection methods.

Takes about one hour.

Online Training

Lab Hazards Awareness Training

Target Audience: Support personnel, students and new employees

Research Office: Biosafety

This interactive online training has been primarily designed to those not familiar with the possible hazards present on a research laboratory. It discusses the different type of hazards (e.g. biological, chemical, radiological) and indicates where to get more information and educational materials.

Past Events


Mailing Address

Biosafety Office (ML 0767)
University of Cincinnati
University Hall, Suite 540 
Cincinnati, OH 45221

Street Address

University Hall, Suite 540 
51 Goodman Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45221

View on map

General Inquiries

Phone: 513-558-6182
