Human Research Protection Program

The Human Research Protection Program provides training and support for research involving human subjects including Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocols and FDA submissions and supports the IRB.

Online Training

FDA Regulated Research Activities Online Training

Target Audience: All principal investigators, co-principal investigators, and study coordinators engaged in FDA regulated research

Research Office: Human Research Protection Program

This online training includes 11 modules pertaining to FDA regulated research activities. These modules are specific to UC.

FDA modules can be found under “Human Subjects Research Compliance Training”.  All 11 modules must be completed.

Further questions?  Please visit our FDA FAQ page.

Online Training

Human Subject Research - CITI

Target Audience: All researchers engaged in human subjects research at the University of Cincinnati

Research Office: Human Research Protection Program

All researchers engaged in human subjects research at the University of Cincinnati must complete training prior to engaging in research. Training is provided online using Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) at the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York (BRANY). The CITI curriculum is customized for you, based on the kind of research in which you are involved. A series of registration questions will identify the courses you need to complete. If you have already done CITI training in the past, that information will be maintained in your CITI record.

For questions on how to register a new account with CITI or how to add a course to your CITI profile, please contact the HRPP office at 513-558-5259.

Training Upon Request

IRB Office Hours in the Faculty Enrichment Center (Langsam Library)

Target Audience: UC faculty and staff

Research Office: Human Research Protection Program

IRB Coordinators from the Human Research Protection Program will provide consulting for UC faculty and staff with questions about IRB submissions every month on the first Tuesday of the month from 1pm-4pm and the third Tuesday of the month from 9am-12pm.

Walk-ins are welcome.

Further Questions: Contact Deborah Stewart (

Past Events

Dec 2019


Refresher on Reliance Agreements, External IRBs, and Multi-Site Studies (12/6)

Time: December 6, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Location: MSB E684

Target Audience: Clinical Research Professionals (CRPs) at UC/H and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC): including Principal Investigators (PIs), Research Nurses (RNs), Critical Care Unit Nurses (RNs), Pharmacy Technicians and Regulatory Specialists.

Research Office: Human Research Protection Program

Angela B. Braggs-Brown and Kareemah Mills of the UC Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), will be discussing general IRB reliance, the criteria for reliance determinations, establishing reliance agreements, the institutional requirements, budgets, and continuing oversight. Join us and learn more!

For more information, please contact Nate Harris at
Dec 2018


Research Administration Portal (RAP) Lab (12/14)

Time: December 14, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Location: Teacher Dyer Complex 231

Target Audience: Principal investigators and their staff

Research Office: Human Research Protection Program

UC HRPP is moving to the NEW Research Administration Portal (RAP) an electronic system for IRB reviews and approvals. The system will go live on January 14, 2019.

Participants will be able to navigate through the system and registration is required. Please contact to register.

Dec 2018


Research Administration Portal (RAP) Lab (12/13)

Time: December 13, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Location: Edwards I 6152

Target Audience: Principal investigators and their staff

Research Office: Human Research Protection Program

UC HRPP is moving to the NEW Research Administration Portal (RAP) an electronic system for IRB reviews and approvals. The system will go live on January 14, 2019.

Participants will be able to navigate through the system and registration is required. Please contact to register.

Dec 2018


UC HRPP Open House (12/7)

Time: December 7, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Location: University Hall (Suite 610)

Target Audience: All researchers engaged in human subjects research at the University of Cincinnati

Research Office: Human Research Protection Program

Get questions answered, meet office staff and IRB members in addition to viewing more of the new system. We will also celebrate 18 years of service from Claudia Norman, who is retiring in December.

Dec 2018


Research Administration Portal (RAP) Lab (12/6)

Time: December 6, 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Location: MSB E602

Target Audience: Principal investigators and their staff

Research Office: Human Research Protection Program

UC HRPP is moving to the NEW Research Administration Portal (RAP) an electronic system for IRB reviews and approvals. The system will go live on January 14, 2019.

Participants will be able to navigate through the system and registration is required. Please contact to register.

Dec 2018


Research Administration Portal (RAP) Demonstration (12/3)

Time: December 3, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Location: MSB 3051

Target Audience: Principal investigators and their staff

Research Office: Human Research Protection Program

UC HRPP is moving to the NEW Research Administration Portal (RAP) an electronic system for IRB reviews and approvals. The system will go live on January 14, 2019.

This event is only a demonstration of the system (for hands-on training, please refer to the in-person lab sessions). Please contact with any questions.


Mailing Address

Human Research Protection Program (ML0567)
University of Cincinnati
University Hall, Suite 300
P.O. Box 210567
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0567

Street Address

University Hall, Suite 300
51 Goodman Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0567

View on map

General Inquiries

Phone: 513-558-5259


To report compliance concerns: Email: or Call - 513-558-5034

Toll-Free Anonymous Compliance Hotline - (800) 889-1547

You may also file a report via the web: Anonymous Online Reporting