We’re here to guide and support you while you submit your Next proposal, negotiate your Next award, celebrate your Next big discovery. Change the world for the Next generation, because Next Lives Here.
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There will be a weekly Kuali training through Success Factors
As of June 24, 2019, the research community can prepare and submit full, research collaborative proposals with subawards in Research.gov.
National Science Foundation (NSF) has designated the National Institutes of Health’s SciENcv (Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae) as an NSF-approved format for submission of biographical sketch(es) and is encouraging its use to prepare a biographical sketch for inclusion in proposals to NSF.
Office of Research is currently working on finding new system to replace Coeus (current grants and management system) that is soon reaching end of life.
Sponsored Research Services University of Cincinnati University Hall, Suite 530 P.O. Box 210222 Cincinnati, OH 45221-0222
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Phone: 513-556-4817
Phone: 513-556-5969
Electronic Research Administration
Email: srs.era@uc.edu